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Fredrick Douglass Evil Response

Respond to the following quotation: “He who passively accepts evil is an much involved in it as he who helps to perpetuate it.”

The essence of this quote is that a person who doesn’t actively try to stop evil shares the same guilt as the criminal who causes or advances evil behavior. In other words, since society is not a utopian world and evil does exist, we all have the opportunity to observe or become aware of evil behavior or actions that are unacceptable, that break written or moral laws, or that violate human rights. With this awareness, Martin Luther King suggests that without resistance, we all flock together like blind sheep and go blindly toward evil. In so, we actually help advance evil rather than stopping it. For example, consider the novel, “Fahrenheit 451”, in which the civilians readily accept the cruelty distributed by the firemen or the ‘antagonists’ such as Beatty, instead of actually standing up against the evil shown towards all. Though, they, themselves, did not rise and run with a torch, obliterating houses and murdering the innocent, they also did not do anything to stop it. Therefore, they are (knowingly or otherwise) endorsing that sort of behavior and just as guilty as the persecutor. To give you a metaphor, the one who doesn’t try to stop a criminal is an accomplice to murder (sometimes literally). Though they never physically do anything ‘morally wrong’, they are just as bad, if not worse than the actual evil-doer. The accomplice still gets charged for the crime and in some cases could be prosecuted even if the actual criminal is not convicted. This is speaking both physically: having stated in the USC section 2 of title 18, that (a) Whoever commits an offense against the United States is punishable as a principal and
(b) Whoever willfully causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or another would be an offense against the United States, is punishable as a principal. And also morally: one should know that it is wrong to harm another regardless of circumstances. This being said, we should know that if you are not actively helping a situation of victim, you are subsequently harming them.

Take Changes; Make Choices

A young girl, clad from head to toe in flowered floaties, waddles down the steaming sidewalk to the deep end of the pool, eager to play with the ‘big kids’, but not sure if ready to jump into the “deep beyond”. But, alas, the shouts of bliss lure her curious mind, diving in with soon-to-be besties and starting a new chapter in her life. Similar to the girl, people must be willing to take chances because, it can both build and enhance relationships and it is the way we learn.
Life isn’t like Facebook where one can ‘bravely’ sit behind a computer and send potential friends requests or sub tweet about their crush on Twitter. Instead, people have got to be able to take risks and reach out,strengthening and creating bonds. For example, the new girl, baring a deer-in-the-headlights look, dares not to say a word, adding to the proliferating “What ifs?”, until a kind soul smiles, giving her the chance to talk. Weeks later, the girls are attached at the hip and promptly named Bffls. Now who really took the risk here is debatable, but nevertheless, a risk was taken, caution thrown to the wind, and an inseparable friendship formed. Though such a simple notion was taken in the end, it meant the world. Both girls could have stayed ‘content’ in their individual worlds, fearing rejection, but didn’t and instead built a relationship. In addition, consider the song “Don’t Take the Girl”, a heart-warming tale of a young boy who would rather have anyone in the world tag along than a silly girl. However, finally, with a huff, takes the initial risk and lets her go. Years pass and the bond grows, taking more and more risks each verse: kissing her in the movies, saving her from a robber, and finally offering his own life to God in place of hers. This progression of risks ending greatly strengthening the relationship.
If everyone were to sit in their own little bubbles, never even attempting to test to waters of discomfort, nothing would ever be accomplished or learned. To illustrate, in Shaw’s “Pygmalion”, Eliza takes the risk of being under Higgins’ consistent criticism, but had she stayed as a mere flower girl, would have never have reached her full potential and stayed an ignorant peasant. Instead, she beats all odds and accomplished more than ever expected of her by the ultimate sacrifice of her own life in order to become a lady of status.
The summer winds have long shifted, but the now-aged women remembers that day,reminiscing with her friends over a cup of black coffee. Then, she turns the page in the memory book, smiling, “If that summer taught me anything, it would be take risk! Make mistakes; dive in.”

The Thing Called Beauty

Ulta, Sephora, VS… Ulta, Sephora, VS. Adolescent minds spin in circles like the merry-go-round at the corner of the mall as glamour shots and perfumes cloud their heads. Ads shout out,”You want to be beautiful?” Well, come in.” “For only three easy payments of $59.99 (and half your soul), you will be on your way to obtaining the prestigious title of Miss Universe.” Yeah, right! Five pounds of skin cream or loud clothes won’t make you runway-ready, as 17 Magazine insinuates. However, true beauty can not be bought, for it comes from within. Therefore, I believe Dove portrays that idea perfectly through the use of imagery, spoken words, music, and the propaganda technique, ‘plain folks’.
In the strikingly differing ideas of beauty portrayed by imagery and plain folks, used by both 17 Mag. and Dove, it’s easy to lose the genuine concept of beauty, which comes from one’s inner self. Teenagers, or anyone for that matter, aren’t necessarily the epitome of dewy-faced, flawless models; they don’t jump out of bed, glowing hair flying behind their backs, pouty lips smudge-less, or eyebrows as if they were painted on by Van Gogh himself. This is the illusion that the corporation 17 Magazine wants us to believe. Obviously, this is intentional to make influential people buy every tube of lipstick, scrap of clothing, or bangle that their little heart thinks the need. Beauty enhancing products have become a necessity rather than a want. Nowadays, if a teacher asks,“What does one need to survive?”, a classroom full of hands would shoot up, anxiously thinking, “Well, that’s simple. Air, water, food,… and a long, silver chanel necklace, oh course.” At that point, both myself and the teacher would have boarded a one-way ticket to Mars, yet even then our clothes would be “so last light-year.” Unlike this false assumption that everyone can obtain beauty by worldly standards set by 17 Mag., instead, humans are human. Simple enough, right. Well, apparently not. People have bedraggled hair. People have annoying acne. People have rumpled clothes. BECAUSE THEY ARE PEOPLE. Raw, real, natural, beautiful people. Not everyone’s a pin-up. This is fully presented by Dove’s ad, featuring everyday people living everyday lives. Rather than being posed against a perfectly purposely weathered white brick wall, the students can be seen taking selfies and being interviewed in their backyards or kitchens. There were no rushing assistants with starbucks or people busying themselves with outfits or props; none of that to worry about. Instead, these girls were worried about what this company was trying to sell and I’m not talking about magazines. 17, in it’s core, sells insecurities resulting in the worldly definition of beauty. The ad showed the girls lack of confidence, evident in their faces with plain clothes and naked faces. It shows beachers full of girls listening to a motivational speaker speaking of just that topic and laughing along at the cliche idea of selfies and editing.

Fishing for Prom Justice

During a prom committee meeting last Tuesday, February 23rd, the members, made up of people from the community, came to a consensus to ban freshman from prom this year in response to an incident with a freshman the past year.

The prom committee should revoke this decision because a sum of upperclassmen are dating freshman and planned to take them to the prom, not all freshman are immature, and an individual’s behavior does not and should not affect a whole different group.

Firstly, with the mixed classes of high school, it is only natural to assume that upperclassmen, some of which are seniors, could be dating freshman. Using this same logic, one can see that said senior/freshman couples really only have this one year to have a high school prom together. Now, for arguments sake, take the freshman’s wants out of the equation and see only the senior’s perspective. In all reality, prom is more for the senior class than any others; after all, it is their last year. The seniors dating freshman have now been deprived of their “perfect prom night” because their dates have been taken away! Seniors are not to blame for an immature act done by a freshman last year. They shouldn’t have to go to prom alone or not at all because of this. It’s their senior prom- a once in a lifetime experience. That should not be taken away simply because they are dating a freshman. Yes, one could put the blame on them for choosing to date a freshman, but that is easily disposed with the idea that one does not choose who they decide to like. Thus, thinking on all of the upperclassmens behalf, their freshman dates should not be banned.

Secondly, a single person’s actions does not mean the whole group will behave in that way. There have been little to no problems with freshman years past.. The people that carried out these acts should be the only one’s with consequences. This means a whole group, a different group for that matter, should not be carrying that person’s consequences. High school is supposed to prepare students for the real world and the workplace. In the workplace when an employee intentionally messes up, they are fired, not the rest of the employees. So, if it’s true that highschool is supposed to prepare students for the real world, they should back this up with real world truths and show the students that they have consequences to THEIR actions.

Lastly, freshman are not automatically immature simply because they are freshman. That term is often coined on that group because of their age. However, this is not true; many freshman are quite capable of acting in an orderly, mature manner. If one was to take out all the classes that had a few immature people, there wouldn’t be a prom. Freshman are perfectly capable of being mature. For example, before even entering high school, an incoming freshman has to go from basically having their teachers hold their hands through every course to setting out an entire high school blueprint. That takes a level of maturity that they had to achieve. Additionally, many are involved in extracurricular activities that carry them to other schools and there has been no behavior problems there, which shows their ability to be mature once again. Also, a large majority of freshman are mixed in with sophomores and upperclassmen in their everyday classes. Using the logic that the prom committee used, with no disrespect to their decision, they would have to segregate the whole school in hopes of depleting freshman immaturity. This would take away from the diverse learning settings and carrying back into the real world point, not let them experience anything out of their freshman bubbles.

Those opposing state that freshman are too immature to attend prom, however as stated above this is not true and plain unfair to the upperclassmen and freshmen alike. Some students are offering the idea of a spring dance, but that doesn’t even compare to prom in the least.

To conclude, the prom committee should revoke their decision to ban freshman because the sole actions of an individual should not deprive others of the prom night they deserve.

“Rise of the Guardians’ Movie Review

Forget “How to Train Your Dragon”; Dreamworks should’ve made a movie called “How to Train Your Producers”, because clearly Peter Ramsey just isn’t getting it with the expensive box office failure, also known as “Rise of the Guardians”. With the so called family-friendly movie giving children nightmares and the boring run-of-the-mill plotline, combined with the millions of dollars of loss that Dreamworks is barely recovering from, I would rather deal with the evil ‘boogeyman’ protagonist, Pitch, than watch it again.

Oh so let me get this straight; family-friendly now includes a tatted, burly Santa, a foul-mouthed Easter Bunny, and a scantily-clad, flirtatious tooth fairy. Oh, isn’t it reassuring that even the youngest generation’s media is being perverted from the classic family-oriented holiday tales to their own personal tot-sized biker (or turbo-powered sleigh) gang. Now, add on top of this the fact that they portray fear or the boogeyman in such a graphic way that the children get nightmares from a “children-friendly movie.” Pitch himself will fill their minds with images of terror and instill violence and darkness into their impressionable minds. A sullen, pale, downright creepy man that looks like he needs to lay off the meth isn’t exactly what kids should be looking at and certainly not laughing at.

Also, a blind guy could see the ending coming after the endlessly repetitive plotline. Seriously, the whole good-vs-evil, underdog-becomes-great thing just isn’t cutting it anymore. We want more! Every single Dreamworks movie seems to follow the basic cookie-cutter model and it’s sickening. The story follows a group filled with clashing personalities that somehow manage to get along and may even become friends. Seen it. Ever heard of ‘Toy Story’. Good overcomes evil or beats odds even with little hope. Literally every. Single. Dreamworks movie. On the face of this earth. Shrek, Kung Fu Panda, Antz, Shark Tales: Everything. But at least they are actually good.

Additionally, this movie literally RUINED lives It led to the decision to make substantial layoffs — 350 during the year. During the days of Walt, how many people could say with tear in their eye, “Disney ruined my life?” Honestly? None. Well now literally hundreds can. What a sob story that would be. Wouldn’t a long line of mickey ears filling the unemployment office be a sight? DreamWorks Animation lost a massive sum of $50 million on the film. DreamWorks Animation CEO Jeff Katzenberg even said that Guardians “was the first movie of ours in 17 in a row that didn’t work,” however, “when that happens it makes you rethink everything.…. we’ve done a reset and we’ve done it across the board.” Thank you Peter Ramsey, you’re a dime (something nearly 400 hundred loyal ex-employers won’t have the luxury of having now that they are jobless.)

Do not. I repeat, do not go to this film unless you, for some reason, just love to have your childhood ripped away and a sea of disappointment crashing over you. If that’s you then go for it, but say goodbye to the days of Toy Story; they are past infinity and beyond. Shrek will forever reside in the swamp; the good ol’ days are orge. And nobody will ever be kung fu fighting again. Well that is unless Peter Ramsey “Move[s] it. Move[s] it” out of here and Dreamworks goes back to their roots.

SS Sergeant Trial Current Event

Three holocaust survivors spoke of the horrors they at the Auschwitz death camp, on Friday, the second day of the trial for the former SS sergeant on 170,000 counts of accessory to murder.

94 year old Reinhold Hanning sat a few yards from the witnesses yet showed no emotion as they spoke of roaring flames, naked prisoners thrown into gas chambers, and seeing victims being shot.

The prosecutors say that Hanning agreed that he was a guard but denied taking part in any of the executions.

The youngest witness, Justin Sonder, 90, was brought to Auschwitz at 17 and sent to work as a slave laborer for the IG Farben company instead of being sent to the gas chambers.

He then went on to tell the court that he was the oldest and always feared “selection days”. These days consisted of SS men having to stand naked for up to four hours in line to let the officers decide who was still fit to work and who needed to be killed.

“I don’t have the words to describe how it was, when you know that you could be dead in one or two hours, it made you sick, it made you crazy,” he said, his voice trembling with emotion.

“I survived 17 selections,” added Sonder, a retired police officer from Chemnitz, who lost 22 of his family members to the Holocaust.

Hanning is being accused of being a SS Unterscharfuehrer (junior squad leader) in Auschwitz from 1943-44.

A retired dairy operator, he admitted when first questioned, that he had served in Auschwitz I part of the camp, but not in Auschwitz II, where most of the 1.1 million Hungarian-Jews were killed.

Though prosecutors argue that he is guilty for accessory to murder, there is not concrete evidence for this accusations.

He has only spoken one word and that is responding to Judge Anke Grudda’s question, inquiring how he felt after the first day of trial with “good”.

Sonder said he looked forward to hearing what Hanning has to say.

“Perhaps he will try to explain — it would be good if he did.” Sonder said. “I hope he finds the courage to say something”

Other Survivor Erna de Vries told reporters that when the Nazis came to his house, since her father was not Jewish they would not have to take him, however she decided to stay with her Jewish mother.

After only two months, the SS took her, along with 85 other half-Jews, to the women’s concentration camp in Ravensbrueck.

“That was one of the worst days of my life when I was sent to Ravensbrueck and my mother stayed in Auschwitz,” she said. “I never saw her again.”

She said that her mother had been happy to know that her daughter would be going to Ravensbrueck, knowing that it was better than Auschwitz.

“Auschwitz was a death camp, and she had the hope it would get better for me,” she said.

Leon Schwarzbaum, 94-year-old Auschwitz slave laborer said that he could not see the actual gas chambers and crematoria from where he was kept, but everyone knew what was going on.

“We saw the fire from the chimneys,” he told the court. “So much fire came out of the chimneys, no smoke, just fire. And that was burning people.”

These three testifiers are among the 40 survivors and families who have joined that trial as co-plaintiffs. Though no all will testify, the trial is scheduled to hear three more testimonies next Thursday and two more Friday.

I do not believe that Hanning is not guilty and should not go to jail for multiple reasons. One, he is 94 years old. It takes a substantial amount of funding, especially when you add in the medical care needed, to care for a prisoner. Two, this event literally happened 60+ years ago, and as Hanning testified, he only was only a guard, not an executor. As of today, he is not causing harm to any individuals. If we were to jail every person who has commited a crime that was formed with social norms, the prisons would be full. Ever heard of slave owners?

Losing Freedom Current Event

The liberty bell is silent and the arc of freedom is bending backwards away from justice and peace. This troubling reality was brought forth with a recent report from Freedom House. The quality and level of equality have been steadily decreasing over the past years with 2015 marking the sharpest decline yet.

This is, after all, no surprise; we have been watching the dilapidating state of the Middle East and North Africa, the least-free region of the world, for several years. We have been a witness to the imprisonment and murder of journalists, the shooting of protests and inhumane beheadings of extremists and, of course, the millions of refugees fleeing from Syrian violence.

But how do we measure this rise in oppression?

Obviously, different matters are measured differently, but Freedom House, the self-described independent democracy watchdog, uses a system that rates real-world observations of freedom, including women’s freedom, religious freedom, the rule of law, and transparency of government operations. The score then produces three categories: Free, Partly Free, and Not Free.

Overall, only 40% live in countries judged free (down from 46% a decade ago). That means that out of 195 countries, only 86 of rated free and even those the report notes that leading democracies are going through a crisis of confidence. Instead of leading, they have divided, unwilling to come together to make a successful policy to overcome these global challenges.

This self-doubt could not have been timed worse. In 2015, the freedom level deteriorated in 72 countries and gained only 43. This enormous decline is undoing the advances seen in the last quarter of the 20th century.

The freest regions in the world still stand with the Americas and Europe, along with India, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand. However, in the Middle East, only Tunisia and Israel are ranked as free. Also, Russia and China also stick out for significantly lacking individual rights. This is where Freedom House points to Russian President Putin for challenging liberal rights at home, and notes that the Communist Party of China has to rely on economic growth and political repression in order to keep a firm grip on power.

In addition, there were saddening finds on women’s rights which accentuated the failure of the world’s 20-year-old commitment to advance women’s rights and equality. The bar has been lowered so much that even the smallest of achievements are treated as victories, such as Saudi Arabia now allowing women to vote for weak municipal councils with permission from a male guardian.

This is painful to watch from the United States as we have head into the idea the humanity steadily moves towards freedom. The kind of optimism brought forth by people such as Martin Luther King Jr. After all, President Obama’s words on the night he won the election, back in 2008, were to put our hands “on the arc of history, and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.” Yet, the words of our leaders have not been reflected in the world around us.

I agree with the writer because it is evident that freedom is being reversed significantly. It’s all over the news and basically plastered onto our eyes. If we do not that the step to bending towards freedom, the built-up pressure could result in a devastating snap, harming both oppressed and oppressors. That is why this affects both me and the world.


Child Trafficking Current Event

When you think of sex trafficking, what comes to your mind? Most would conjure up images of young women being kidnapped and sold as sexual slaves over seas. The images are clouded in darkness with strewn muffled cries. Yeah, you feel bad… but that’s none of your business. It’s far away; nearly not even part of our world. Right? Wrong. Sex trafficking is right under our ignorant noses.
In the U.S., human trafficking takes place within the sight oblivious mothers and fathers. Young daughter lays on her bed, casually typing away on her laptop, sliding her English homework to the side, as she responds to a rather flattering message from an internet friend of a friend.
This is the most common way pimps lure their prey into their grasp. It’s Egypt’s eighth plague, really. “An absolute plague.” Sam Martinez, Clark county’s District Attorney said. With a zero tolerance policy, he loves sending those pimps to prison.
Sadly the path pimps use to lure vulnerable girls into, seducing them into a world of prostitution, is the same path one world use to find cute puppy videos and see updates of your friends and family. Yep the internet. The trafficking of a child usually begins with a social media message from a stranger who falls in love with the unscripted banter and mystery of not setting privacy filters. Then, her page to be viewed by strangers and even criminals.
The stranger could give compliments on their page boosting their self-esteem or remark that they have common friends or even just make a friendly remark to some of their interests. Resuming the conversation for days, months, unknowing to the parents, the relationship grows, urging the girl to meet this mystery person.
Soon, one thing leads to another and boda-bing, boda-boom, the pimp ensnares the girl exploring her vulnerabilities and promises a lifestyle that she would love; that she deserves. She would get men’s attention, make a lot of money, live life in the fast lane, and have a close, close friend in him.
Eventually, this sweet seduction turns into bitter enslavement. Now, the girl may realize the threat, but the pimp just has too much emotional and or physical control over her. He threatens to harm her or her family if she decided to leave. Or, perhaps, she has lost herself in a world of sex, money, and drugs. These women has turned unrecognizable, for she has fallen for this charming snake.
“Social media is a huge recruiting tool for pimps, and parents need to be aware of their social media accounts and track them,” Martinez said, “It’s through their initial contact on social media that they start the process of recruiting, by making promises. They give their victims compliments and build a relationship of trust, and then the victim is in a black hole and they can’t get out.”
Parents need to educate their kids about the real predators; not just the cliché candy or puppy search, but who are conniving and manipulative. Children are easily tricked when they are yearning for a friend. Martinez has prosecuted cases in which victims were as young as 12.
Thankfully, awareness of this problem has increased throughout the years, but it still lies deep. Strengthen laws have made it easier to persecute human traffickers and gave victims the chance to sue their captors.
There are law enforcement efforts nationwide, particularly the FBI, to decrease the amount of selling sex from teenagers, but most of the action takes place in our own neighborhoods, in our own homes.
So, the bottom line is, children need to be guarded in online exchanges especially from people outside of their personal knowing. Their reactions to such messages, if they occur, should be of suspicion and they should have the confidence to tell their parents.
January is National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, so let this serve as a trigger for parents and children alike to identify and ignore strangers on the internet. Don’t lose yourself in your own bedroom.

This affects both me and the world because it is, as mentioned earlier, a plague: an epidemic. Awareness of this topic could create a significant impact on the victims.

I agree with the author because of their stance on internet monitoring. By being knowledgeable about their children’s or own threats, the can keep themselves safe.

Advertising: Turning Women into Objects: Current Event

Advertising: turning women into objects since the beginning of time.
A New Zealand men’s fashion brand, I Love Ugly, recently got put in hot water for its sexist advertisements.

These ads depicted a ring-clad man touching and covering a woman’s naked breast, genitals, and butt.

This was immediately set under fire for treating women as simply props and using unjustifiable highly sexual content to try and sell rings.

In response to the negative reactions regarding the extremely provocative campaigns, the company wrote on Facebook, “Jewelry is one of those things you either love or hate on a man. We tried our best to rework something that makes a lot of males a little uneasy and turn it into something the dubious could potentially see themselves wearing,”

Also, now the I Love Ugly company has began printing more ads to respond to the criticism. However, these show a woman’s hand over a man’s torso. Unsurprisingly this move was called out as yet another example of the company completely missing the point of sexist criticism, for it shows a part of a man’s body that is not sexualized in society.

Speaking of this ad, Daniel Barrett wrote,”… A further demonstration of how the brand has no understanding of the power imbalance ingrained in society,” on Facebook.

Hundreds of others echoed his response with calls of misogyny and stating, “You really don’t get it, do you?”

This was followed by another ignorant response, blindly saying in a tweet, “Mixed reviews about our latest ring campaign. Some love it, some hate it. If you’re nervous about something , you’re onto something good.”

Rebutted yet again by Frances Cook saying, “Hey @iloveugly, you’re not onto something good when you’re actively contributing to a system that treats women as second class citizens.”

If you are nervous about something, it’s must likely because you know it’s horribly offensive and you’re too arrogant to apologize. Not because you’re on to something good.
Though some may snort and carelessly shout, “The feminist are coming. The feminist are coming.”, that is not the case. Instead, this is a prime case of sexualizing both bodies and minds in hopes of selfish income by doing so.

This ad affects both me and the world because it depicts the dilapidating state of the sex-driven society we live in. If such a taboo, private subject such as sex is being exploited to sell jewelry, where is the world coming to? The line between prostitution and sells-man ship is not only blurred, but now completely erased. Also, with me, being a female, it shows a great deal of disrespect to every woman alive by treating her as if she was a backdrop or lamp or wall. Therefore, I agree with this writer because they agrees that the sexism shown here is crossing the line– by A LOT.

EDITORIAL-Domestic Violence: It’s Real. It’s Terrible. It’s Right Under Our Noses

Those paying any mind to the news recently, discovered an unthinkable truth; five people were found dead inside a home on Lake Minnetonka in the city of Greenwood.
While investigation into the matter is still continuing, one thing is sure: Karen Short and her three teenage children were killed in their respective bedrooms with gun wounds in their head. Husband of Karen, Brian Short was also found dead in their garage, having fell victim to a self-inflicted gunshot.
The Shorts and others in similar situations, were victims of familicide, a form of murder-suicide in which at least one spouse and one plus children are killed. This event combined with past similar ones should be cause for alarm.
In Minnesota 2012, seven people were subject to this treacherous act, according to the Minnesota Coalition for Battered women. The number then grew to nine in 2013 but dropped to six the following year.
Another case was April 8th, 2014 when 62-year-old Beverly Gongoll was found dead in her home in Waconia alongside her husband, Kenneth Gongoll. Kenneth was believed to have first killed his wife before turning the gun around, committing a murder-suicide.
Similarly, on Jan. 18, 2015, the bodies of Komel Crowley , husband David Crowley, and 5-year-old daughter, Raniya were found in their Apple Valley home. Yet again, initial reports showed that Raniya and Komel were murdered while David committed suicide leaving all of the corpses for weeks.
As of late September, the number of people in Minnesota killed by a family member during domestic assault was 22, according to the director of the Pearl Crisis Center, Judy Pearson. The County-based organization, The Mille Lacs, supports victims of domestic abuse and tracks those killed by domestic violence. Including the figure of the death of Larry Bowser, who was shot and killed by his 91-year-old father in their nice Maplewood home.
The extreme is met when domestic violence ends in death, however other physical or emotional forms of domestic violence take place right under our noses. Domestic violence is quite real. Its horrifying abuse that destroys families and relationships.
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence released startling details in preparation of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The startling details are below:

• Every nine seconds, A U.S. woman is beaten or assaulted.
• Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women, more than car accidents, muggings, or rape.
• Studies suggest that up to 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.
• Nearly one in five teenage girls who have been in a relationship said a boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm in a break-up situation.
• Every day in the U.S., more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends.

But how do we save victims of domestic violence? How do we as a broken society stop those who would hurt or even kill their spouses, children, or significant others?
The key is to be aware and have a voice for yourself if you witness or are a victim of domestic abuse. There are many resources available to aid in such issues. For example, the Minnesota Coalition for Battered Women has a 24-hour hotline available and shelter services are accessible by calling the Alexandra House in Anoka County.
If you are in an abusive relationship or struggling with violent tendencies, it is highly advised to get help now. If you are aware of a abusive relationship, help them! Recognizing the problem is the first step to solving said problem.

Domestic violence affects me because of the enormity of the problem mainly with women because of their supposed vulnerability. This affects the world because, it is, in all actuality, an epidemic that will only spread as life goes on. If no provisions are taken, the world will undoubtedly crumble as all means are relationships are ceased. Therefore, I wholeheartedly agree with ECM’s opinion of domestic violence because of the established seriousness of the problem, followed by a means to an end.

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