August 2015 archive

Raising of the American Flag

*Play excerpt from “Duck and Cover”.*

There was a turtle by the name of Bert

And Bert the Turtle was very alert

When danger threatened him he never got hurt

He knew just what to do


He’d duck and cover, duck and cover

He’d hide his head and tail and four little feet

He’d duck and cover!


Now you must think that I’m crazy, right? I was given a current events assignment and I came up here playing a children’s song from the fifty’s. Surely you are snickering or just plain confused, but let me explain.

Sure this sounds like an innocent fable or nursery rhyme but in all actuality, this was a method of self protection taught to mainly children during the Cold War. The now grown adults,  vividly remember having to duck and cover under their desk in case of a nuclear bomb. It was at the peak of the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis was at full momentum. Now, over half a century later, the American flag is being flown, once again,  in Havana, symbolically marking an end of the isolation.  This was the latest step in securing the new diplomatic relationships starting to form when President Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro announced the new coming relations between the two countries.

It’s a victory for all in varying ways. For some, this moment will mark the pinnacle of years of hard work and for others, this stands for a different type of victory. But a victory same and same. And that is that almost all Cuban-Americans endorsed the idea to maintain the US economic embargo on Cuba and tighten the grip on its government. Now this wish is slowly but surely coming together.

Carlos Saladrigas, a multi millionaire and entrepreneur stated the following, “We realized that if we wanted change to happen, we had to facilitate it and make it easier, not make it harder. That’s why it’s going to be incredibly emotional. It’s in many ways history starting all over again.”

Just like any other change there’s going to be people who want nothing to do with it. For example, Mauricio Claver-Carone, executive director of the U.S.-Cuba Democracy PAC, believes that a flock of Americans flooding into Cuba is not magically going to bring an end to the Castro regime. However, he does believe that they will generously help out the military-run tourist functions. These interactions can be what truly changes Cuba for the better.

Who cares about Cuba? I mean, seriously? We are high schoolers in Etx. How could this possibly affect me or you? Well, for one we are under this idea that Cuba is this distant place that couldn’t possibly have anything to do with us. But in all actuality, Cuba is right next door and we can’t ignore our surrounding world forever. Secondly, do you even realize how close we are to adulthood; when we will be put in our leaders position? Five, ten years, maybe– is not a lot. We need to know what is going on now before getting  plunged into life headfirst in the future, without being able to grasp anything. If you are ignorant to the news you will be stepped on. No doubt. Everything that is happening can and will affect us.

So what does this mean for Americans and Cubans? Well, August 14, marks the beginning of a new chapter . The raising of the flag itself is simply a symbolic act but you must always take a step before running a marathon. In the future, we hope and believe that Cuba will be provided strong democratic principles, where people are free to express themselves, their beliefs, and their customs without ridicule. I for one, believe that just taking that leap was a victory by itself. “In politics, you rarely get to enjoy victories,” reflects Joe Garcia . Therefore, its a true delight when one comes along.