US Mil. Accused of Condoning Sexual Abuse
The US Military was accused of telling soldiers to overlook Afghans abuse of boys, September 22, 2015.
Two fellow US Commanders admit to using force to get it through the head of an Afghan police commander, that sexually assaulting boys,or anyone for that matter, is not okay.
“[We] picked him up, threw him to the ground multiple times,” Dan Quinn, US Army Captain at the time, said, ” “We basically had to make sure that he fully understood that if he ever went near that boy or his mother again, there was going to be hell to pay.”
These actions, preformed by Quinn and Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland, against a American-backed police commander, greatly displeased their superiors, relieving them of their duties shortly afterwards. Quinn having voluntarily left and Maryland being involuntarily separated from the army.
This is all because they have hit a touchy subject in Afghanistan; the subculture of bacha bazi, or “boy play,” grown men using young boys as sex slaves. This kind of action is hard for the US members to stop mainly because it is carried out by Afghan commanders allied with American-led forces.
The New York Times reported this week that both marines in Afghanistan and US army members have been ordered not to intervene in this even when its taking place on military bases. Yet the Pentagon denies ever saying such things.
“We have never had a policy in place that directs any military member, or any government personnel overseas to ignore human rights abuses,” spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said.
This has been going on for a long time. CNN and other news pages have reported on it numerous times in the past. Members participating in this even admit to it.
“I had a boy because every commander had one,” Mestary, a former commander of the Northern Alliance said, ” There’s competition amongst the commanders. If I didn’t have a boy, I couldn’t compete with the others.”
Now, Quinn hopes for two things; one: that Martland’s career could have been saved and; two: that this problem could be eradicated.
“He is the best soldier I’ve ever served with,” Quinn, speaking of Martland, said, “All he wants to do is continue to serve our country with distinction.”
Its a shame that they got punished for doing what was right and ethical, while there is praise for wrongdoings. This is just one example of what a backwards, tore-up world we live in. These men were reporting a rapist yet they get discharged. This greatly effects me as well as the world because it shows the changing of our morals and endorses sex trafficking and child molestation.