May 2015 archive
Death by Firearms Graph (2001)
Below is a graph depicting the different types of deaths caused by firearms and the number of fatalities in 2001.
Legal Lingo
Swallowing Stones Blendspace
Below is a Blendspace I made for the novel, Swallowing Stones.
Swallowing Stones Book Review
Below is my book review over Joyce Mcdonald’s novel, Swallowing Stones.
Stricter Gun Laws?
The debate over whether or not there should be stricter gun laws is varied and the two points are completely different from each other; there is no riding the fence. You’re either for it or you’re not. I for one, believe that we definitely should not put out stricter laws, because people that need the gun laws are not going to listen to them, gun violence is not increasing, reporting on the topic is, and guns are not the only weapons that are used to harm others.
The only people that are going to listen to the new gun control laws are the people that don’t need them. Do you really think that these murderers, robbers, etc, are going to stop what they are doing just because some high and mighty people up in court says that it’s wrong? To them it’s just a piece of paper. Do you really expect this reaction from them: *gasp* “Paper! How did you know that was my only weakness? I’m out. Take me away officer.” Then they’ll be back in the office and they’ll ask him, “Well, why did you turn yourself in. What made you do that?” “It-it was the paper. It persuaded me… I-I didn’t even read it. The pure essence of it was just so powerful. And that seal! It condemned me, so I gave up all my weapons and turned myself in.” Seriously, people. Because criminals are really going to get weak at the knees at the sight of a government-issued document. I’m sure they are in love with those people, right? Wrong.
Gun violence is not increasing; reporting on gun violence is increasing, making you believe the former. Gun homicides are down 49% since 1993 peak. However, because of national attention to the issue of firearm violence, most Americans are unaware that gun crime is lower today than it was more than two decades ago. According to a new Pew Research Center survey, today 56% of Americans believe gun crime is higher than 20 years ago and only 12% think it is lower. Isn’t it sad that we are blind to the issues that affect so many. Also, more guns equal less crime. Since 1988, gun ownership has increased by over 1200% while gun crimes in general have decreased by almost 60%. Instead of actually doing research, most Americans blindly believe whatever the 5 o’clock news tells them. Mainstream media has brainwashed the logic out of Americans today. We don’t hear about people defending themselves with guns because the media doesn’t report on things like that.
Guns are not the only weapons that people use to kill others. For example, the deadliest school massacre was done not with the a gun but by a bomb and the subsequent fire. Also, drunk driving kills far more people, but we don’t ban cars and alcohol. Kitchen knives can kill people; guess we can’t cut food anymore. You can strangle people with clothes; looks like we are running around naked now. Anything and everything can be used as a weapon. But we can’t ban everything in the world; now can we? Our government is like a first time mom, they mean well, but try to ‘baby-proof’ the whole world. Even if we were all sat in a big white padded box, there would still be violence. There is no way to ensure complete safety. Many say that the new gun laws will make us safer. Pshaw. Yeah right! Gun laws will not make you any safer then you are now. Look at Chicago and Washington D.C. for instance; they enforced stricter gun laws and criminals went rampant. There will always be a way for criminals to find weapons, illegally. But, go ahead. By all means, leave the law-abiding citizens defenseless as the felons dance around in the streets.
So unless you want criminals running rampant and crime rates higher than Wiz Khalifa, I’d strongly suggest that we do not establish stricter gun laws and should, instead, open our eyes to the truth. Shots fired. Pun intended.