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The US Military was accused of telling soldiers to overlook Afghans abuse of boys, September 22, 2015.
Two fellow US Commanders admit to using force to get it through the head of an Afghan police commander, that sexually assaulting boys,or anyone for that matter, is not okay.
“[We] picked him up, threw him to the ground multiple times,” Dan Quinn, US Army Captain at the time, said, ” “We basically had to make sure that he fully understood that if he ever went near that boy or his mother again, there was going to be hell to pay.”
These actions, preformed by Quinn and Sgt. 1st Class Charles Martland, against a American-backed police commander, greatly displeased their superiors, relieving them of their duties shortly afterwards. Quinn having voluntarily left and Maryland being involuntarily separated from the army.
This is all because they have hit a touchy subject in Afghanistan; the subculture of bacha bazi, or “boy play,” grown men using young boys as sex slaves. This kind of action is hard for the US members to stop mainly because it is carried out by Afghan commanders allied with American-led forces.
The New York Times reported this week that both marines in Afghanistan and US army members have been ordered not to intervene in this even when its taking place on military bases. Yet the Pentagon denies ever saying such things.
“We have never had a policy in place that directs any military member, or any government personnel overseas to ignore human rights abuses,” spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis said.
This has been going on for a long time. CNN and other news pages have reported on it numerous times in the past. Members participating in this even admit to it.
“I had a boy because every commander had one,” Mestary, a former commander of the Northern Alliance said, ” There’s competition amongst the commanders. If I didn’t have a boy, I couldn’t compete with the others.”
Now, Quinn hopes for two things; one: that Martland’s career could have been saved and; two: that this problem could be eradicated.
“He is the best soldier I’ve ever served with,” Quinn, speaking of Martland, said, “All he wants to do is continue to serve our country with distinction.”
Its a shame that they got punished for doing what was right and ethical, while there is praise for wrongdoings. This is just one example of what a backwards, tore-up world we live in. These men were reporting a rapist yet they get discharged. This greatly effects me as well as the world because it shows the changing of our morals and endorses sex trafficking and child molestation.
Because of “phenomenal test scores” over the past three years, on September 17, Ms. Mobley has announced that RHHS will start having an open campus lunch policy available to everyone but freshman, and will extend the lunch periods by 10 minutes.
A new super Walmart will be built in Rockwall May 2006 because of the towns growing community. The community members believe this a bad idea, leading to loss of local businesses and will be sending around a petition and having a town meeting February 5.
What seems to be an average sixth grader is really a numerously tested genius named Napoleon Dynamite. Because if this status, the principle, Mr. George, has called Ms. Mobley and asked to move him up to highschool so he wastes no time and will be better prepared for medical school earlier.
A survey by the Child Abuse Prevention Center in Baltimore was released yesterday, showing that three to four children die every day in the US from child abuse or neglect, rising from 2.6 million to 2.7 million in the last year. Seventy-nine percent of these deaths were among children under the age of five and half were under the age of one.
Thought local firefighter had the blaze under control in five minutes, a fire, caused by a lighted cigarette on the sofa, made $76,000 in damages to a two bedroom house on 2300 Main Street in Los Gotas. Homeowner, Kathy Mahoney, contacted them around 3:30 am when she was awakened by smoke and flames; she alone suffered minor burns on hands and feet.
Recently discovered text messages depict a Massachusetts teen urging her cyber boyfriend to commit suicide. The messages, released by Bristol County District Attorney’s Office, shows 18-year old Michelle Carter adamantly urging Conray Roy 111, to do anything it takes to kill himself.
The texts show that, not only, did Carter encourage Roy, she also helped research ways in which he could painlessly. Though, Roy evidently shows hesitation, Carter is endless in her frustration, stating, “You always say you’re gonna do it, but you never do. I just want to make sure tonight is the real thing.” Then, she proceeded to look up the best methods for syphoning carbon monoxide into his truck. This is followed by more arguments from Roy that are quickly disputed with this message, “But I bet you’re gonna be like ‘oh, it didn’t work because I didn’t tape the tube right or something like that. I bet you’re gonna say an excuse like that…you seem to always have an excuse.” And suppose the poisoning doesn’t work, “Try the bag or hanging.”
As of now, Michelle Carter is being charged with involuntary manslaughter. Things are not looking bright for her as new evidence shows her urging him to stay in the poisoned truck then playing as if she had no idea ( allegedly texting the victims sister, asking of Roy’s whereabouts.) It seems as if Carter suffers from a mental disorder or pathological lying ; seeing that she switches between sides so frequently. Her lawyer claims that she was brainwashed into endorsing the plan but yet,
Carter admitted knowing about the suicide and participated in it because “[She] couldn’t have him live the way he was living anymore.”
This affects me greatly because it shows the dissipating state of the world. 4 out of every 10 highschool students admit to having tried to commit suicide during their highschool career. I know this may sound like just another statistic to you, but think about it; there are almost 25 people in this class. Now I know that I’m not a math genius, but I’m going to have to say that 10 attempts is 10 attempts too many.
Recently discovered text messages depict a Massachusetts teen urging her cyber boyfriend to commit suicide. The messages, released by Bristol County District Attorney’s Office, shows 18-year old Michelle Carter adamantly urging Conray Roy 111, to do anything it takes to kill himself.
The texts show that, not only, did Carter encourage Roy, she also helped research ways in which he could painlessly. Though, Roy evidently shows hesitation, Carter is endless in her frustration, stating, “You always say you’re gonna do it, but you never do. I just want to make sure tonight is the real thing.” Then, she proceeded to look up the best methods for syphoning carbon monoxide into his truck. This is followed by more arguments from Roy that are quickly disputed with this message, “But I bet you’re gonna be like ‘oh, it didn’t work because I didn’t tape the tube right or something like that. I bet you’re gonna say an excuse like that…you seem to always have an excuse.” And suppose the poisoning doesn’t work, “Try the bag or hanging.”
As of now, Michelle Carter is being charged with involuntary manslaughter. Things are not looking bright for her as new evidence shows her urging him to stay in the poisoned truck then playing as if she had no idea ( allegedly texting the victims sister, asking of Roy’s whereabouts.) It seems as if Carter suffers from a mental disorder or pathological lying ; seeing that she switches between sides so frequently. Her lawyer claims that she was brainwashed into endorsing the plan but yet,
Carter admitted knowing about the suicide and participated in it because “[She] couldn’t have him live the way he was living anymore.”
This affects me greatly because it shows the dissipating state of the world. 4 out of every 10 highschool students admit to having tried to commit suicide during their highschool career. I know this may sound like just another statistic to you, but think about it; there are almost 25 people in this class. Now I know that I’m not a math genius, but I’m going to have to say that 10 attempts is 10 attempts too many.
Recently discovered text messages depict a Massachusetts teen urging her cyber boyfriend to commit suicide. The messages, released by Bristol County District Attorney’s Office, shows 18-year old Michelle Carter adamantly urging Conray Roy 111, to do anything it takes to kill himself.
The texts show that, not only, did Carter encourage Roy, she also helped research ways in which he could painlessly. Though, Roy evidently shows hesitation, Carter is endless in her frustration, stating, “You always say you’re gonna do it, but you never do. I just want to make sure tonight is the real thing.” Then, she proceeded to look up the best methods for syphoning carbon monoxide into his truck. This is followed by more arguments from Roy that are quickly disputed with this message, “But I bet you’re gonna be like ‘oh, it didn’t work because I didn’t tape the tube right or something like that. I bet you’re gonna say an excuse like that…you seem to always have an excuse.” And suppose the poisoning doesn’t work, “Try the bag or hanging.”
As of now, Michelle Carter is being charged with involuntary manslaughter. Things are not looking bright for her as new evidence shows her urging him to stay in the poisoned truck then playing as if she had no idea ( allegedly texting the victims sister, asking of Roy’s whereabouts.) It seems as if Carter suffers from a mental disorder or pathological lying ; seeing that she switches between sides so frequently. Her lawyer claims that she was brainwashed into endorsing the plan but yet,
Carter admitted knowing about the suicide and participated in it because “[She] couldn’t have him live the way he was living anymore.”
This affects me greatly because it shows the dissipating state of the world. 4 out of every 10 highschool students admit to having tried to commit suicide during their highschool career. I know this may sound like just another statistic to you, but think about it; there are almost 25 people in this class. Now I know that I’m not a math genius, but I’m going to have to say that 10 attempts is 10 attempts too many.
*September 12 is national day of remembrance for aborted babys.
Finally, after the fifth exposing video showing the planned parenthood abortion business selling aborted babies and baby parts under the table, a House Committee announced that it will now go into further investigation. This video shows to appear that Planned Parenthood could possibly be selling babies that were born alive and left to die for their profit. This would be breaking the federal law known as the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act; which states that a hospital or abortion clinic must give sufficient care to any baby born alive after a failed abortion or in the occasion that the baby might have been born and left to die purposely. As mentioned above, a baby birthed and left to die could be one way that Planned Parenthood could give fully intact babies to StemExpress for research. This is because most crunchy abortion methods could potentially harm the baby’s body and decrease the price of the specimen. Sadly, in nearly all cases, the women having the abortion do not know what is happening and are told that their developed babies are simply a blob of goo or a group of cells.
The video I was speaking of earlier shows director Melissa Farrell, advertising the sale of PPFAs fetal tissues and their ability to provide fully intact babies or specimen as she refers to them.
August 8th, 2015, House of Energy and Commerce Committee sent letters to Planned Parenthood Federation of America inquiring of the mentioned video topics and seeking informal interviews with the president, vice president, and director of this organization. In each video these people have brought up the way in which fetal tissue is produced and distributed. The house also requested for the names of the representatives to be given out ,including those above, that are endorsing and providing for the sell. They will then see if the PPFA’s position lines up with current laws.
The videos show Planned Parenthood executives discussing the price of aborted babies and casually pondering less crunchy methods, which basically is trying to get the baby out in one piece for higher income for said tissue. In response, so far 12 states are undergoing investigation and 3 have already revoked the taxes going to PPFA.
This is affecting both me and the world around me because it is unethical and takes away the chance of the baby pursuing a successful life. For a moment let’s assume that abortion was completely okay. That removing the baby and disposing of it was not wrong. Even under these circumstances, secretly selling the babies without consent from the carriers, is flat out wrong. Now, add back into this equation that they are also taking the life of a baby. Many argue that is not yet a baby because it has not developed a brain at this point. However, a baby’s heart starts beating 18 days after conception and you can only legally get an abortion between 5 and 18 weeks. That means that the baby already has a heart and is already a living being capable of the unimaginable.
To conclude, I for one, am ecstatic that the PPFA’s business is slowly but surely becoming unveiled, revealing the raw scadalous essence of what they truly are.
*Play excerpt from “Duck and Cover”.*
There was a turtle by the name of Bert
And Bert the Turtle was very alert
When danger threatened him he never got hurt
He knew just what to do
He’d duck and cover, duck and cover
He’d hide his head and tail and four little feet
He’d duck and cover!
Now you must think that I’m crazy, right? I was given a current events assignment and I came up here playing a children’s song from the fifty’s. Surely you are snickering or just plain confused, but let me explain.
Sure this sounds like an innocent fable or nursery rhyme but in all actuality, this was a method of self protection taught to mainly children during the Cold War. The now grown adults, vividly remember having to duck and cover under their desk in case of a nuclear bomb. It was at the peak of the Cold War and the Cuban Missile Crisis was at full momentum. Now, over half a century later, the American flag is being flown, once again, in Havana, symbolically marking an end of the isolation. This was the latest step in securing the new diplomatic relationships starting to form when President Obama and Cuban President Raúl Castro announced the new coming relations between the two countries.
It’s a victory for all in varying ways. For some, this moment will mark the pinnacle of years of hard work and for others, this stands for a different type of victory. But a victory same and same. And that is that almost all Cuban-Americans endorsed the idea to maintain the US economic embargo on Cuba and tighten the grip on its government. Now this wish is slowly but surely coming together.
Carlos Saladrigas, a multi millionaire and entrepreneur stated the following, “We realized that if we wanted change to happen, we had to facilitate it and make it easier, not make it harder. That’s why it’s going to be incredibly emotional. It’s in many ways history starting all over again.”
Just like any other change there’s going to be people who want nothing to do with it. For example, Mauricio Claver-Carone, executive director of the U.S.-Cuba Democracy PAC, believes that a flock of Americans flooding into Cuba is not magically going to bring an end to the Castro regime. However, he does believe that they will generously help out the military-run tourist functions. These interactions can be what truly changes Cuba for the better.
Who cares about Cuba? I mean, seriously? We are high schoolers in Etx. How could this possibly affect me or you? Well, for one we are under this idea that Cuba is this distant place that couldn’t possibly have anything to do with us. But in all actuality, Cuba is right next door and we can’t ignore our surrounding world forever. Secondly, do you even realize how close we are to adulthood; when we will be put in our leaders position? Five, ten years, maybe– is not a lot. We need to know what is going on now before getting plunged into life headfirst in the future, without being able to grasp anything. If you are ignorant to the news you will be stepped on. No doubt. Everything that is happening can and will affect us.
So what does this mean for Americans and Cubans? Well, August 14, marks the beginning of a new chapter . The raising of the flag itself is simply a symbolic act but you must always take a step before running a marathon. In the future, we hope and believe that Cuba will be provided strong democratic principles, where people are free to express themselves, their beliefs, and their customs without ridicule. I for one, believe that just taking that leap was a victory by itself. “In politics, you rarely get to enjoy victories,” reflects Joe Garcia . Therefore, its a true delight when one comes along.
Below is a graph depicting the different types of deaths caused by firearms and the number of fatalities in 2001.
Death from Firearms Graph
Below is a Blendspace I made for the novel, Swallowing Stones.
My Swallowing Stones Blendspace
Below is my book review over Joyce Mcdonald’s novel, Swallowing Stones.
Swallowing Stones Book Review