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I wonder why….

I wonder why…
Why do frogs blink when the swallow? Well, since frogs don’t have teeth they use two eye bulges on the tops of their mouths to swallow. When the frog catches food it rolls its eyes to the back of its head which forces its food to the back of its mouth where its cavities of located.This movement helps get the insect down the frog’s throat easily. Also since the frog’s tongue is designed to catch the prey rather than help swallow the bug this technique isn’t a bad one.

Dog heros

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Hero dogs
Dogs truly are man’s best friend.don’t judge a book by it’s cover.

Dogs can be determined in many ways.When a little boy got lost in the woods a neighbor’s dog stayed with him the whole time.When they found the boy he was unharmed and he said because the dog was there he wasn’t as scared as before.Another case is when’s small dog sniffed out his owner’s cancer.The dog was acting very peculiar and wouldn’t leave her side.He kept sniffing her and whimpering.He countinued to do this until she found the lump indicating she had cancer.She states later that without the dog she most likely wouldn’t have noticed the lump until the cancer had already spread through her whole body.

A dog can also be brave.During the Summer a chihuahua ,her owner , and a baby were outside on their lawn whe Zoey (her dog) spots a rattle snake fixing to strike at the baby and jumps between the snake and the baby taking the bite for him.Zoey survived the bite but was left with a two inch scare on her forehead.Another remarkable story of bravery is when an elderly couple’s cripple dog saves them from a fire!The fire broke out in the middle of the night when the couple was asleep.When Bongo wakes them up they were going to give up but after they see how hard Bongo is trying to persuade them they finnaly let him lead them through the debri.

My final characteristic of dogs is intelligent.One day a dog and his owner were walking down the street when all of a sudden his owner collapses in the street.Even though the dog was blind, he managed to alert a neighbor about this incident and and safely report him to the hospital.LOts of dogs have been trained to dail 9-1-1 on a home phone ,but when Rocky’s owner collapsed form a heart attack Rocky dailed 9-1-1 on his owner’s cellphone.THe police answered and when no one picked up they got to the apartment in time to get the man to the E.R.

All of the reasons and more show that dogs truly are heros.That’s why there has been innumberable occasions of dogs saving their owner’s lives.

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