Practice Lead Writing

Because of “phenomenal test scores” over the past three years, on September 17, Ms. Mobley has announced that RHHS will start having an open campus lunch policy available to everyone but freshman, and will extend the lunch periods by 10 minutes.


A new super Walmart will be built in Rockwall May 2006 because of the towns growing community. The community members believe this a bad idea, leading to loss of local businesses and will be sending around a petition and having a town meeting February 5.


What seems to be an average sixth grader is really a numerously tested genius named Napoleon Dynamite. Because if this status, the principle, Mr. George, has called Ms. Mobley and asked to move him up to highschool so he wastes no time and will be better prepared for medical school earlier.


A survey by the Child Abuse Prevention Center in Baltimore was released yesterday, showing that three to four children die every day in the US from child abuse or neglect, rising from 2.6 million to 2.7 million in the last year. Seventy-nine percent of these deaths were among children under the age of five and half were under the age of one.


Thought local firefighter had the blaze under control in five minutes, a fire, caused by a lighted cigarette on the sofa,  made $76,000 in damages to a two bedroom house on 2300 Main Street in Los Gotas. Homeowner, Kathy Mahoney, contacted them around 3:30 am when she was awakened by smoke and flames; she alone suffered minor burns on hands and feet.






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